At LabourWare we have built a diverse client base. From the Union of Northern Workers in Yellowknife, North West Territories to the Nova Scotia Union of Public and Private Employees. We provide Membership Management, Grievance Management, Workers Compensation Tracking and Content Managed Web Sites to a wide variety of clients.
What they and we have in common is our commitment to the values of the Union movement. Our software helps them serve their members better, communicate with them better, report to their constituents better. Our software is always evolving as each new client brings their unique perspective on how they want to use it. They come up with new requirements, and our developers integrate these new features for all our clients to benefit from.
The following was sent to us from a new client of ours that has been using our system for about one year now:
“Hello Gabe & Peter – As new customers to LabourWare each and every day we are learning something new and exciting about LabourWare and its features:
- All Executive Members are able to access information regarding our Members, our Committee Agendas, Minutes, Reports etc. for all our meetings – no longer do we need to worry about printing, photo copying, mailing or e-mailing – it is all there for everyone’s use
- We can easily upload information and documentation relating to the Local and our Members employment and in a variety of formats
- Our Stewards are able to access important member information quickly and on their schedules vs waiting for information to be forwarded – faxed – e-mailed
- Via the Events and Calendar we are able to share our “calendars” on line – automatically send reminders to folks about meetings and track the attendance for these meetings
LabourWare provides “one stop shopping” for our Executive and Stewards – from a time management and service perspective the program is outstanding. Our home page is open whenever I’m on the computer so I have at my finger tips the basic relevant information needed regarding our members, our Local and in turn able to provide faster, efficient service. When out of the office this information remains at my finger tips with the laptop computer.
The importing of information from the employer and the configuration for the processing of data for our use is unbelievably easy.
A warm and hearty thank you to Gabe, Peter and all the folks at LabourWare!
Lynn Raback, President,
CUPE Local 997
We are the Custodial/Maintenance; Office, Clerical, Technical Staff and Educational Assistants of Trillium Lakelands District School Board”